How to become and Internet Celebrity by Legg’s Griffano

By on 2015/07/25


I am usually in the hunt for new and fresh artists to talk about in my magazine, but in the case of restless creative entrepreneur Legg’s Griffano, it was him who discovered me and that was only one of the things I felt we had in common. Legg’s is open to any form of creative expression: dance, music, poetry, modelling…and he also likes helping other artists getting online exposure, through his collaboration in several creative magazines and with the foundation of his own artistic online platform The Purple Haze Family ( “The underground artists and the starving artists are my favorite.”, Legg’s says, “They have passion. There are many pleasing things to see and hear. Bird’s singing first thing in the morning as you watch the sun rise to greet the world good morning as your drinking your morning coffee. Or the sound of children’s laughter. The sight and sound of new artistry is just as pleasing to see and hear.

He also participates actively in humanitarian work and enjoys networking with like-minded individuals. “Ideally I want to connect the world together through arts and creativity. We live in one world. We’re one world one family.”

I had the pleasure to interview Legg’s and hear about his incredible journey.


The Creative Post:  Legg’s tell us about where your from?
Legg’s Griffano: I was born in Oceanside, California U.S.A. near the beach and the harbour. At 17 years old I moved to Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A. in the dry, hot and dusty brown desert. I’ve travelled around America homeless for 7.5 years and kept coming back to Phoenix. I have claimed Phoenix, Arizona as my permanent place to live.

T.C.P.  So how does work ? And what does it offer artists and viewers ?
L.G.  It’s offers artist a great way to showcase their artistry and talent and provides an opportunity to get discovered. It’s not just for artists but also for those looking for fresh talent. Artists can create a profile page of their own. They can also upload their music videos, blogs, images or pictures and have everyone vote on their talent. The most popular artists get their videos added to The Purple Carpet page of the network. Which shows that they stand out about the rest. Everyone can message, connect with each other, send private messages and even create chat rooms if they like. It’s a great way for artists to connect with other artists as well. Purple haze family members can see and hear new fresh talent. They can see acting, modelling, dancing, singing, music, rapping, poetry, fashion, tattoos, piercings, face & body paint and fitness etc.

T.C.P.  What are your background and studies?
L.G.  I’ve gained a lot of knowledge off the Internet. I’m one of those people that learn fast. I’m a perfectionist and self-educated with lots of common sense.

T.C.P.  Where do you get your creative work from?
L.G.   My creative work comes from having a healthy brain. I live my life connected with harmony and peace. I meditate, pray, do yoga and walk with nature with bare feet daily as I listen to the sounds of birds while feeling the earth beneath my feet. Nature is something we have gotten to far from. The closer you are to nature the healthier your brain is. I also live a vegetarian life style, practice holistic medicine and exercise moderately daily. The music I allow myself to be exposed to has catchy tones that most people would say or think are stupid.

I listen to music that has the true meaning of life in a positive way. Most songs are written about love, how to find love or how to get back to love.

Love is something the world needs more. I feel that the news is created to paralyze you mentally into feeling like there is no hope. I watch news about entertainer’s and artists. If we all exposed our brains to healthy things we would be more creative and have more harmony in the world.

T.C.P.  How did you start doing humanitarian work and why?
L.G.  As a human being, I see the need to help others in need or at least be the voice for those who can’t speak. We occupy this planet with a lot of people with most in need of something. Together we can all make a change to help others. Everyone should be treated with honesty, love, integrity and human compassio

T.C.P. What made you decide to create The Purple Haze Family network?
L.G.  The Purple Haze Family is a classic case of a random idea. I was working, as a caregiver in a group home taking care of disabled adults when I asked a staff member how was he doing?

He started telling me about everything that was going on, on Facebook. After the conversation, I had a random idea and stated, ” I should start my own social network. ”

He and one other male staff member laughed and said I wasn’t smart enough to ever do that. I just laughed and said, ” Watch me do it then. And that’s when the craziness started “lol”.  I painted my house purple and named my property. ” The Purple Haze Estate ” and then opened a business account under the same name. I bought both domains and

The Purple Haze Family a great way for undiscovered / underground artist of kinds to show case there talent. Other artists can connect with each other. At the same time members ( purple family members ) get the opportunity to experience new and fresh talent. Everyone can vote on there favorite artists. The most popular artist graduate to the Purple Carpet. Fun fresh and new !

I then started learning the internet for the first time. I made lots of mistakes learning and lost lots of money. In the roller coaster ride of losing money I had more downs then ups in the beginning. I kept saying this is good news. People that new what was happening said, “Really!” “That’s good news!” I simply said yes, “It’s the cost of learning!”

I’m still learning stuff and I just try not to lose any more money “lol”.

The artistic mind is a mind we all have. Once you tap into it it’s like electricity. It gives a positive energy that glows like a bright star.

People that feed their brains with garbage. Infect the rest of the population with their garbage. Just like cancer.
I like to feed my brain with creativity and artistic things. It’s the artists and creative people that bring the world together in harmony.

T.C.P.  Who inspires you?
L.G.   I’m inspired by people that dedicate or have dedicated there life to make this world better and not just a better world for today but a better world for the future. Here are a few people that I look up to OR admire a lot in life. All of them for different reasons. They’re all history makers and world shakers.

  1. Jesus 2.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 3.  Michael Jackson 4.   Russell Simmons 5.   Chaka Khan    6. Dr. Ben Carson 7.   Walt Disney

T.C.P.  What’s your most challenging work experiences and why?
L.G.  Hahaha well …. up until less than a year ago it was hard to get the perfect team of people to collaborate with us behind the scenes. And one may ask, “Why’s that?”  It’s hard to keep up with my ideas and me. My brain never stops.

T.C.P.  What are your current and future projects?
L.G.  I currently want to see the world join together through arts and creativity and

one day see my movie idea that has never been done come to life. It’s an original script idea that has never been done before. This movie would be funny and a sure classic in years to come. It also wouldn’t be that expensive to create.

T.C.P. Where do you get the energy to do as much as you do? It sounds like you do a lot of stuff from week to week.

L.G.  I have a genuine passion to see the network become that fun enjoyable place to go. At the same time, I would like the purple haze family (members) to have the same enjoyable experience that  I had watching MTV and shows like Soul Train when I was a kid. I want to make something fun and positive on the net. I’ve never looked at this as work. I look at this as fun. The positive energy from the online artist family gives me the energy to do more.

T.C.P. Have you ever been to London?

L.G.   Not yet, it’s one of the few places I would love to visit. London as the whole world knows is rich in culture. It has everything from museums, castles and rock music. It would be amazing to see castles that are 400-1000 years old.

T.C.P. Is there something that you would like Purple Haze Familynetwork to do that no other network has done?

L.G. Hahaha yes…. to be able to have a yearly event called The Purple Carpet Event with only undiscovered artists that are family on the network, somewhat like the Red Carpet event.

T.C.P   What keeps you positive and happy?

L.G. My secret to happiness is both physical and metal clarity.

  1. Pray daily
  2. Yoga
  3. Vegetarian life style.
  4. Have no hate in your heart.
  5. Never stop dreaming.
  6. Work even if you don’t have to.
  7. Never fear death.

Also pay your tithes to church or give money or any type of help to those in need. It’s a great feeling to help the poor. It creates good Karma. It will always come back to you. Bless there and blessing will come back to you.

Feel free to connect with me Legg’s Griffano on:


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